‘Breaking Bad’: Vince Gilligan on Meth and Morals – NPR

Crystal Meth: ‘Breaking Bad’: Vince Gilligan On Meth And Morals – NPR

'Breaking Bad': Vince Gilligan On Meth And Morals
something inside him snaps, and he decides to use his familiarity with lab equipment to provide for his medical expenses as well as his family's future: He teams up with a former student, played by Aaron Paul, and starts dealing crystal meth.

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Crystal Meth – Google News

Crystal Meth: ‘Breaking Bad’ season 4, episode 10 recap, ‘Salud’ – The Star-Ledger – NJ.com

Sydney Morning Herald

'Breaking Bad' season 4, episode 10 recap, 'Salud'
The Star-Ledger – NJ.com
Last time on "Breaking Bad," Gus reasoned that to prevent a war he must send Jesse to Mexico to teach chemists the sacred blue formula for crystal meth. Jesse seeks coaching from his mentor, but when he finds out Walt bugged his car, he beats him to a
Breaking Bad: series return , Monday, September 19Sydney Morning Herald
Breaking Bad: "Salud" lab notesTV Geek Army
"Breaking Bad" Recap: Gus' Revenge Is The Cartel's DestructionComplex.com (blog)
Neon Tommy –BuzzFocus.com –Salon
all 52 news articles »

Crystal Meth – Google News

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