Crystal Meth: Deputies: Crystal Meth Found in Woman’s Car With Kids Inside – Sun-Sentinel

Crystal Meth: Deputies: Crystal meth found in woman’s car with kids inside – Sun-Sentinel

Deputies: Crystal meth found in woman's car with kids inside
During a search of her vehicle the deputy found syringes and a spoon with meth residue and a small bag containing meth which was easily within reach of her passengers — two small kids in the back seat, reports said.

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Crystal Meth – Google News

Crystal Meth: Meth, predominantly from Mexico, still rules across Jackson County — although … – Mail Tribune

Meth, predominantly from Mexico, still rules across Jackson County — although
Mail Tribune
"Meth is still king," said Medford police Lt. Brett Johnson. Johnson, who is a supervisor for the Medford Area Drug and Gang Enforcement team, makes his point by dumping a pile of crystal shards on a table in the department's evidence room.

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Crystal Meth – Google News

Crystal Meth: A new weapon against meth? –

A new weapon against meth?
The product, Tarex, is a formulation of pseudoephedrine that cannot be easily converted to crystal meth production. But consider the irony: Authorities in some areas report they already are finding dramatically fewer meth-manufacturing operations.

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Crystal Meth – Google News

Crystal Meth: crazy asian guy smokes crystal meth

crazy asian guy smokes crystal meth

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