Crystal Meth: Get Motivated to End Your Speed Abuse Problem
An addiction to speed can destroy lives and relationships. Speed is a drug that when taken can accelerate your system, making it one of the most difficult drugs to kick once you are hooked. It is like a cup of coffee on steroids. You will experience such a euphoric high that you will feel like you can do almost anything. Those who take accelerants like crystal meth often find themselves loosing sleep for multiple days. There are multiple types of speed, each with its own effects. Cocaine, ecstasy, and heroin are a few of these types of speed. Some of the bad side effect of the high that speed produces is irritability, becoming aggressive or paranoid, hearing things, and more. This can occur if you have taken too much of the drug or if you start to come down off the drug. Those who participate in using speed are very hard to be around because they can become very unpredictable and unstable.
This drug can cause you to feel so great that you may not think you even have a problem. Your friends may have told you that you need to get help, but you didn’t believe them. You may have started believing that you just need speed to help you get through school or work. Maybe you think it is a better way to express your creativity. However, the simple truth is that you are addicted and you can’t just stop whenever you feel like it. It is very hard to get rid of a substance abuse problem. Even with help, you will find that becoming clean is a seriously difficult process. No matter what your financial standing is, or whether you are celebrity or not, you will need lots of support to be successful.
Addiction to speed for a period of months or years can cause many lasting issues with your health. You can find that you have significant problems with insomnia, social withdrawal, sores on the face, and even a violent nature. Eventually, as with all major drug substances, prolonged abuse to speed can cause your death. If you are reading this and you are suffering an addiction to speed, you need to find help now. Don’t wait, free yourself from potential pain and suffering.
Learn more about Drug Addiction Problems and Oxycotin Addiction
Crystal Meth: LIVING NIGHTMARE: Crystal Meth in Wyoming (PBS Television)
Music Composed, Arranged & Produced by Christopher John Curcio TELLY AWARD WINNER: 2008 Documentary Executive Producer: Dennis Rollins Directed & Photographed By Andy Blood © 2008 Wolf Gang of Wyoming
Video Rating: 4 / 5
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