Crystal Meth: How Widespread Is Crystal Meth Abuse?

There has been a War on Drugs in this country for decades. Some would say that it has been successful in reducing drug use, while others laugh at the idea that there has been any positive impact on drug use and abuse. It doesn’t much matter which side of this battle you are on, the truth of the matter is that drugs continue to be used and abused by too many people.

While there tend to be cycles as to what drug is the most popular at any given time, there is one drug that seems to consistently be near the top of the list in recent years. Crystal meth abuse has become quite a problem in the United States, as well as other countries around the world. There have even been claims that it has reached epidemic proportions.

Whether epidemic or not, there is no doubt that this drug is a problem. It can ruin a person’s life very quickly. It is highly addictive, meaning that some people can become addicted in a very short period of time. When a few uses of a drug can lead to addiction, there is always a risk that anyone who tries it could become an abuser.

Crystal meth is often billed as the drug of choice for people in their twenties and early thirties. This age group does have a tendency to be experimental in nature in lifestyle choices, so it is not surprising that they would be trying this drug. This does not mean that other age groups are not using the drug as well.

In fact, the 2005 National Survey on Drug Use and Health estimated that more than ten million people age 12 or older have tried methamphetamine at some time in their lives. Since it is the most often used illegal form of methamphetamine, it is natural to infer that many of those ten million people have tried it.

What might be more alarming is the percentage of high school students who admit to using the drug. In the 2005 Monitoring the Future survey, which reports on student drug use, 4.5% of high school seniors reported using meth. The numbers for younger students was not much different, with 4.1% of 10th graders admitting to crystal meth abuse.

While there are some statistics that might indicate that crystal meth abuse is declining somewhat, this might be disputed by medical and drug treatment specialists. The number of people seeking emergency room treatment for abuse has been on the rise in recent years. In addition, there have been more people seeking treatment for crystal meth abuse. Whether more people are using the drug, or whether that is in fact declining, at least there is the good news that more people are seeking treatment for their drug problems.

Despite its much publicized dangers, there are still individuals who use crystal meth and are prone to its abuse. What is crystal meth, anyway? How do you know if your loved one is suffering from crystal meth abuse? Just like alcoholism, crystal meth abuse is a form of addiction, albeit a more serious one.

Those who use crystal meth are also familiar with its street names. Among these are “64 glass,” “crystal,” “quartz,” “speed,” “ice” and “L.A”. Among the many illegal substances used today, crystal meth abuse is the most difficult to treat because it’s highly addictive and the “wall” period is longer than other illegal drugs. People become addicted to methamphetamine because it promotes weight loss and heightens the stamina and the brain activity. However, toxic reactions can occur even with a dosage that’s as low as 50 mg. It’s also comparatively less expensive, so an athlete or someone who’s desperate to lose more weight is highly prone to crystal meth abuse.

Crystal Meth: The Meth Song

Music video about a girl who becomes addicted to crystal meth.

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